Emergency Generator Replacement
Owner: State of New Jersey/ DPMC

Scope: S&H was the prime consultant on the project to replace (4) existing 560kW turbine generators located in the penthouse with (4) new 600kW diesel paralleling generators located on the P1 parking garage roof.:
- Investigation phase report with electrical load monitoring, calculations and report with recommendations.
- Full building occupancy: Project was designed with construction phasing and sequencing to allow for full building occupancy throughout construction.
- Construction of a new structural steel platform on the parking garage roof, supported off the existing garage concrete columns. Platform includes fencing with privacy slats and acoustic sound panels to comply with the State of NJ requirements for maximum sound dB levels at the property line.
- (4) 600kW, 480V, 3-phase diesel generators with sub-base day tanks. One of the generators acts as a spare based on the load calculations, which eliminates the need for a generator quick-connect.
- 1000kW load bank for individual and group paralleling weekly load testing for code and maintenance purposes.
- Protected aisle walk-in switchgear housing with 480V, 3-phase draw-out paralleling switchgear with PLC and HMI screen. PLC system is a redundant system with fiber ring network between the P1 switchgear housing and the penthouse. Operational sequencing includes generator discrimination system to add and remove generators based on load, as well as, load shed
- Fire-rated feeders and 2,000A bus duct design and routing from the P1 garage roof through the P1 level and up through a chase to the penthouse (9th floor) to back-feed the existing emergency systems.
- New 2,000A optional standby switchboard with electrically operated breakers and 800A life safety switchboard to back feed the existing emergency loads.
- Replacement of (5) ATS switches, including monitoring by the CM3 BMS system.
- New duplex fuel oil pumping system with new fuel oil piping to the (4) new generator day tanks from the existing 10,000 gallon underground fuel oil tank.
- Fire alarm monitoring systems for fuel oil leak detection and switchgear housing detection & notification.
- Modifications to HVAC systems to accommodate routing of new conduits & bus ducts.
- Integration of the new generator PLC system into the existing CM3 HVAC control system to allow for remote monitoring of the systems and also texting/email notifications for alarms.